Images of Perfection

By Rev Leah






Now is the time, after the shock and grief of the recent World Trade tragedy, to

lift up our minds and hearts to our loving Creator. Begin in the quiet stillness of our

heart center, in the knowingness of all that is. Recognize the constant manifestation

of love that is truly the only reality, with this awareness firmly in mind and heart –

begin to build a perfect world – one where love rules all of the hearts of mankind,

and the animals and earth all abide in peaceful harmony. Perfect order and harmony

are the norm – where every creature, great and small on all planes of existence,

know the love and harmony of reality. Where each one is valued and accepted for

the glory of their own existence. Where perfect order abides. Where the earth is

clean and healthy and each one of us operates within the Golden Rule. Where the

water is pure, and the atmosphere is healthy. Where each and every soul is so

very thankful for the gift of life and each day is a celebration of the pure joy of

merely existing! Where people look forward to each new dawn with excitement

and anticipation of the great new day the Lord has made. Where each of us, can

freely present our gift to the cosmos every day, and rejoice in the gifts that

others bring. Where life and breath is sufficient unto itself, and nothing else can

possibly be needed or wanted. Think on these things, or imagine something far

greater for yourselves. Be in the Truth and the Love of Creator, each and every

moment, build a new reality, stay in it, spread it to others with a smile and kind

words. Do the small random acts of kindness, that come from a space of true

happiness. Spread the quiet peace and harmony as you approach your day.

Begin, from this moment, to create, to live and move and have your being-ness

In God – whatever your perception of Him is. Acknowledge others you meet,

Along the way, and answer their grief and anger with love. Listen patiently, and

Comfort where you can be of use, but spread the love and joy as much as

Possible. Be in the new reality, allow it to permeate your being-ness, and become

One with all that is. Think on great truth, harmony and love. Think on joy.

Think on oneness. Begin now. Be that which is perfect. Be that which is joyful.

Be that which is Holy.